Azul loco y verde loco
del lino en rama y en flor.
Mareando de oleadas
baila el lindo azuleador.
Cuando el azul se deshoja,
sigue el verde danzador:
verde-trébol, verde-oliva
y el gayo verde-limón.
¡Vaya hermosura!
¡Vaya el Color!
Gabriela Mistral Fragmento del poema ¨Ronda de Colores¨
Colores rodantes es un proyecto artístico que surgió hace aproximadamente 18 años en Harts Lane al este de Brunswick, cuando Atilla Soltez el propietario de un negocio de ventas y reparación de automóviles invito a varios artistas a elaborar un diseño para la valla de su propiedad. Atilla coloco un vocho partido por la mitad delante de la valla. Era una gran idea asi que decidimos usar otros elementos en el mural, un ensamblaje. Tapones de llanta fueron utilizados como lienzos.
Continuando con el proyecto, Atilla patrocino varios de los siguientes tapones de llanta, pero los artistas también consiguieron los suyos. Se limpiaron bordes de carreteras y se entregaron a la escuela Mckinley quienes los presentaron pintados por las manos de pequeños artistas para fin de año del 98.
A partir de entonces el proyecto siguió creciendo, al rededor de 160 tapones llegaron de Francia, Venezuela, y varios estados de Estados Unidos, en ellos participaron desde un pequeño Niño de 4 años hasta una mujer de 93 años. Para Diciembre del 98 el proyecto visito la galería Cork Avery Fisher Hall del Lincoln Center, también la Universidad de Medicina y Odontología de Piscataway en Nueva Yersey, incluso un Festival en Atlantic City en el 99.
El proyecto traspaso barreras virtuales y a traves de Internet artistas invitados comenzaron a enviar sus tapones, tanto reales como virtuales se combinaron perfectamente en una línea en le ciberespacio, uno detrás del otro. Actualmente en México se presenta nuevamente, ahora también con la participación de mexicanos, amigos, conocidos y artistas para desempolvarse y renovarse. A finales del 2017 se expuso en el Papalote Museo del Niño de la ciudad de Cuernavaca, Morelos, con gran éxito los tapones siguen rodando, explorando y llenándose de colores.
Colores rodantes juega con los tonos, con la imaginación y la creatividad de cada uno de sus colaboradores.
Ser creativo no se reserva para los artistas, por lo tanto exhibimos el reflejo y muestra de diferentes maneras de pensar, personalidades, motivos y contextos sociales.
It is a challenge to write about one episode in a project that has gone on about 18 years. Trying! Lots was never written about. A teacher at a New Brunswick school, friendly, imaginative, dependable, way in the beginning she wanted to participate in the hubcap show with her students. We gave her 45 hubcaps and in about 2 or 3 weeks she returned them all to us painted. We then took them to the University of Medicine and Dentistry-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, in Piscataway, NJ. We hung them vertically in the Great Hall. We had a bad camera..the lighting was also bad..We had no Photoshop back then..all we have is memories..mostly! Here comes the story.
J.C. Sarpong is a good friend of mine and gifted sculptor. We were exhibiting his bronze sculptures at the student center of RWJMS-UMDNJ. So J.C. was familiar with what was going on. He saw an opportunity where he could help. His roomies took videos. They had equipment, skills. The way I remember it we took the video of hubcap related images and activities. We were happy with it and passed it on to J.C. to make a copy or 2.
He did that and delivered back to me a VHS which I promptly delivered to the teachers desk at the school. She wasn’t there. I left it on her desk and went on with the day. Maybe at this point you can anticipate where this is going and can finish the story yourself!!!!
At this point it does get very hard to continue. Suddenly my box of crayolas spills over to a zillion nuances..the teacher called me a little latter in the day..horrified..incredulous what did you leave on my desk!!!!!
J.C.s roomies had illicit video truth they did have the equipment and skills..and also a sense of humor…reminds me always of the kind of accidents young people have when they have had too much to drink..they switched our VHS for another.
So, all our collective good will, imagination, efforts was be-smirched…blotted out..why the hell not..did we think it would be different for us!!?? have to stop..intermission.
We were given the opportunity to paint a mural on this wall when before we had even begun, the owner placed half a VW beetle in front of it. We took a photo and sent photocopies out to schools. We got back 267 colorings, one of which was painted on the actual VWbefore it was hoisted up onto the wall. The wings were made by Christopher MacKinon. The rest of the colorings we had laminated with magnets placed on the back. They were stuck all over our fire engine red truck which we would drive around town. We even had one come in by email from Indonesia.